Amendment 10: Due Date Delay and Town-Hall Meeting for B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research

B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research (SWR2O2R) solicits proposals to improve application-oriented models and forecast tools that directly enable advances in the areas described below and, in doing so, could also lead to improved scientific understanding. Proposed work must have a clear path forward to benefit an identified end user (e.g., operational agencies or an industry with a well-established space weather need) and must establish both the value of the proposed work to the end user as well as the viability of delivering a usable capability within the lifetime of the R2O2R award. The single application-oriented focus area for this opportunity is Data Assimilation for Neutral Density Forecasting. In addition to this single focus area, SWR2O2R also invites submissions on any subject that is of demonstrable relevance to the program.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 10 delays the due dates for B.7 SWR2O2R to permit proposers time to submit their Step-1 proposals after the town-hall meeting April 12 regarding the R2O2R process and how to better engage with the operational agencies. Step-1 proposals are now due April 28, and Step-2 proposals are due June 28, 2023. Connect information for the April 12 town-hall meeting is posted under Other documents on the NSPIRES page for this program element.

On or about March 29 2023, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2023" (NNH23ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning B.7 SWR2O2R may be directed to Jim Spann at

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