Amendment 51: A.56 Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology Not Solicited This Year.
When it is solicited, the Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology (SLI-T) program seeks proposals to develop and demonstrate new measurement technologies and architectures that improve upon the Nation’s current land imaging capabilities while also reducing the overall program cost for future SLI measurements in support of the Science Mission Directorate’s Earth Science Division. The SLI- T program seeks to:
- Reduce the risk, cost, size, volume, mass, and development time for the next generation SLI instruments, while still meeting or exceeding the current land imaging program capabilities.
- Enable new types of observations that improve the temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution of SLI measurements.
- Enable new SLI measurements and architectures, which can improve the program’s operational efficiency and reduce the overall costs of the Nation’s land imaging capabilities.
When ROSES-2023 was released, it included A.56 Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology (SLI-T) as a TBD placeholder that said it “may” be solicited as part of ROSES-2023. ROSES-2023 Amendment 51 announces that program element A.48 WFMP will not be solicited this year. However, NASA may solicit this program element in ROSES‑2024.
Questions concerning A.56 SLI-T may be directed to Sachidananda Babu at