Amendment 6: New Opportunity: C.24 “Here to Observe” Program for NASA’s Planetary Science Division
C.24 Here to Observe (H2O) solicits proposals from non-R1 institutions for undergraduate students to observe NASA Planetary Science Division (PSD) mission meetings/activities alongside mentors and peers. By opening doors to PSD missions and sharing the excitement of planetary exploration, H2O’s goal is to spark and maintain an interest for underrepresented students considering STEM careers. Proposing institutions are expected to accommodate core, NASA-led program activities (such as workshops, seminars and field trips) and describe other proposed supplemental activities that will be finalized in a co-creation period with participating PSD missions. Additionally, NASA will provide optional, self-guided educational packages that introduce participating students to solar system science/exploration and NASA systems engineering. Participation is limited to undergraduates and faculty from U.S.-based institutions and to U.S. citizens and green card holders to ensure NASA compliance with ITAR and EAR rules as export-controlled materials could be presented in PSD mission meetings.
ROSES-2023 Amendment 6 releases text and due dates for a new opportunity: C.24 “Here to Observe” (H2O). No preliminary statement (such as a notice of intent or a step-1 proposal) is requested. This program element does not have a proposal due date, proposals may be submitted at any time.
On or about March 20, 2023, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2023” (NNH23ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at
Questions concerning C.24 H2O may be directed to David J. Smith at