Amendment 62: Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics Not Solicited This Year
When it is solicited, Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics (WAD) is primarily designed to apply NASA scientific remote sensing expertise to the problem of obtaining accurate and globally distributed measurements of the atmosphere and the assimilation of these measurements into research and operational weather forecast models to improve and extend U.S. and global weather prediction.
When ROSES-2023 was released it included A.23 WAD as a TBD placeholder that said we NASA planned to solicit it as part of ROSES-2023. Amendment 62 announces that program element A.23 WAD will not be solicited this year. However, NASA intends to solicit this program element in ROSES‑2024, to be released February 14, 2024. That ROSES-2024 element will focus specifically on a future field campaign supported under this program.
Questions concerning A.23 WAD or this amendment may be directed to Will McCarty at