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Amendment 70: New Opportunity – D.18 XRISM General Observer (GO) Cycle 1

D.18 XRISM General Observer (GO) Cycle 1 solicits proposals for participation in the NASA program for the conduct of space science observations using the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) and for related supporting atomic physics investigations. D.18 XRISM GO solicits two types of proposals with different page limits, contents, and submission procedures. Type-1 proposals for observations using one or both XRISM scientific payload instruments are solicited from U.S. and Canadian-based Principal Investigators (PIs). Type-2 proposals for investigations of atomic physics processes critical to enabling the fullest exploitation of the data expected from the Resolve instrument solicited from US PIs. Proposals requesting support of complementary observations using other space-based or ground-based observatories are not solicited.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 70 releases a new opportunity: D.18 XRISM GO Cycle 1. Notices of intent are not requested. Type-1 (Phase-1) observing proposals are to be submitted via ARK/RPS by 4:30 pm eastern time and Type-2 proposals are to be submitted via NSPIRES by 11:59 pm eastern time March 21, 2024.

Programmatic information may be obtained from Sanaz Vahidinia the XRISM Program Scientist, at Technical questions concerning this program element may be directed to Koji Mukai of the XRISM Guest Observer Facility at