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Amendment 75: D.10 TESS General Investigator Program Final Text and Due Date

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) General Investigator (GI) Program solicits proposals for the acquisition and analysis of scientific data from the TESS mission. The primary purpose of the TESS GI Program is to enhance and maximize the science return from TESS.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 75 releases final text and due date for D.10 TESS General Investigator (GI), which had been listed as "TBD". Phase-1 proposals are due by 4:30 pm Eastern time on March 21, 2024, via the Astrophysics Research Knowledgebase Remote Proposal System.

Technical questions concerning D.10 TESS GI may be directed to Christina Hedges at Programmatic information may be obtained from Hannah Jang-Condell at