ROSES-24 Blog
Amendment 93: A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign Proposal Due Date Deferred to February 12, 2025.
A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign is intended to identify and characterize novel physical processes and interactions that can be measured by and benefit from observations of water surface elevations over land, ocean, and land-ocean boundaries from SWOT, as well information…
Amendment 92: A.36 PACE and A.61 INSPYRE Proposal Due Dates Delayed
A.36 The Science of PACE solicits proposals that focus on innovative uses of PACE data to answer integrated disciplinary or inter-disciplinary Earth system science research and applied questions. A.61 INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment (INSPYRE) Science Team solicits proposals to…
Amendment 91: C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research Step-2 Proposal Due Date Delay.
C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR) seeks proposals focused on ensuring that the NASA Astrobiology community is prepared to respond to the challenge of planning and implementing these missions. Accordingly, proposals that place emphasis on research that will help…
Amendment 90: F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Step-2 proposal due date to deferred to February 28, 2025.
In November 2024 NASA released F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program, that solicits proposals for instruments to be deployed on the surface of the Moon during the second crewed lunar south polar landing. ROSES-2024 Amendment 90 delays the due date…
Amendment 89: D.3 APRA Mandatory NOIs Due Date extended to January 6, 2025
D.3 Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program (APRA) solicits basic research proposals for investigations that are relevant to NASA’s programs in astronomy and astrophysics and includes research over the entire range of photons, gravitational waves, and particle astrophysics. Awards may be…
F.5 FINESST: SMD’s Graduate Student Research Clarifications and Corrections
F.5 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) solicits proposals for graduate student-designed and performed research projects relevant to NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. F.5 FINESST has been updated in several ways: Text in Sections 2.3 and…
ROSES-24 A.62 FarmFlux Science Team Updates
NASA previously announced ROSES-24 A.62 FarmFlux Science Team (ST) that solicits members of the FarmFlux science team and a separate but related opportunity for expressions of interest in no-cost contributions that are not critical to addressing FarmFlux’s main objectives as…
Amendment 88: A.52 Advanced Component Technology Text and Due Dates Released
The goals of A.52 Advanced Component Technology (ACT) are to research, develop, and demonstrate component- and subsystem-level technology development that: Proposers may find information about currently and previously funded technologies at the Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) website at…
Amendment 87: F.16 NASA Innovation Corps no longer accepting proposals via ROSES
The NASA Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Pilot is intended to provide support for participation in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) Program to train faculty, students in higher education, post-docs, and other researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship skills. The…