ROSES-24 Blog

Amendment 57: ROSES-24 Changes for 2 CFR 200 Update

Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) is an omnibus or umbrella solicitation, meaning that it has many individual program elements each with its own due date(s) and topics that span the full range of Space and Earth Science.…

Amendment 56: A.24 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics NURTURE Campaign Schedule Change

A.24 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics (WEATHER) solicits proposals for participation in the North American Upstream Feature-Resolving and Tropopause Uncertainty Reconnaissance Experiment (NURTURE). Those selected will form a core science team to execute the next programmatic field campaign targeted for January…

Amendment 55: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding Winter 2025 review Cut-Off Date Extended.

F.20 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) Seed Funding – formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding – is an initiative to support partnerships between faculty and students at under-resourced institutions (URIs)…

Amendment 54: D.9 NuSTAR Phase-1 Proposal Due Date Moved up to January 29, 2025, and Other Changes

NuSTAR General Observer – Cycle 11 (D.9 NuSTAR) solicits proposals for basic research relevant to the NuSTAR mission. NuSTAR Cycle 11 will commence on or about June 1, 2025, and last for a nominal period of 12 months, subject to…

Amendment 53: SERVIR Applied Sciences Team Step-1 Due Date Delay and Other Changes

A.41 SERVIR Applied Sciences Team (AST) solicits proposals for membership on the SERVIR Applied Sciences Team and Team member projects through this program element. The primary purpose of this Team is to improve, enrich, and expand the use of Earth…

Amendment 52: B.9 Low-Cost Access to Space 2028 Peruvian campaign Update

B.9 Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space (H-LCAS) solicits proposals to investigate key heliophysics science questions and to advance the development of technologies and their application to enable new investigations of heliophysics science questions in the coming years. This is…

Amendment 51: F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Final Text and Due Dates.

F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments (LTVI) program element solicits proposals for investigations that include development and flight of stand-alone, science-driven instruments substantially enabled by unpressurized mobility on the lunar surface. Payloads selected through this program element will be integrated onto…

A.5 Carbon Cycle Science Clarification

A.5 Carbon Cycle Science (CCS) solicits proposals for research focused on the improved understanding of carbon stocks and fluxes between and within ecosystems, and their exchange with the atmosphere. September 20, 2024. Corrections have been made to Section 3.3 of…

Amendment 50: F.18 MOSAICS DRAFT Text Released for Community Comment.

When it is solicited, F.18 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) will solicit proposals for up to five years of funding to support longer-term research and mentoring collaborations between scientists and engineers at NASA…

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