ROSES-24 Blog
Amendment 57: ROSES-24 Changes for 2 CFR 200 Update
Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) is an omnibus or umbrella solicitation, meaning that it has many individual program elements each with its own due date(s) and topics that span the full range of Space and Earth Science.…
Amendment 55: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding Winter 2025 review Cut-Off Date Extended.
F.20 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) Seed Funding – formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding – is an initiative to support partnerships between faculty and students at under-resourced institutions (URIs)…
Amendment 50: F.18 MOSAICS DRAFT Text Released for Community Comment.
When it is solicited, F.18 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) will solicit proposals for up to five years of funding to support longer-term research and mentoring collaborations between scientists and engineers at NASA…
Amendment 47: DRAFT F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Released for Community Comment.
When it is released as final text, F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program will solicit proposals for instruments to be deployed on the surface of the Moon during the second crewed lunar south polar landing. Deployed instruments will consist of…
Amendment 32: E.2 Biophysics Not Solicited in ROSES-2024
Protein crystals grown in space are often more well-ordered than those grown on Earth. Theory has suggested that the chemical conditions for optimal crystal growth are different in microgravity. Biofilms have been found to be growing on ISS surfaces and…
Amendment 28: Delay of Proposal Due Date for E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences
E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences solicits proposals from a consortium in biological sciences to enable and/or carry out research investigations addressing NASA’s established space-relevant science interests in human health, animal, and plant sciences. ROSES-2024 Amendment 28 delays the final proposal…
Amendment 20: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding formerly SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding Final Text.
F.20 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) Seed Funding – formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding – is an initiative to support partnerships between faculty and students at under-resourced institutions (URIs)…
E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences Clarification on how to Address Eligibility
E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences solicits proposals from a consortium in biological sciences to enable and/or carry out research investigations addressing NASA’s established space-relevant science interests in human health, animal, and plant sciences. May 24, 2024. Sections 3.1 and 3.3.2…
Amendment 15: New Opportunity: E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences
E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences solicits proposals from a consortium in biological sciences to enable and/or carry out research investigations addressing NASA’s established space-relevant science interests in human health, animal, and plant sciences. Proposals in response to this program element…