A.65 Responsive Science Initiatives Research: Updates
A.65 Responsive Science Initiatives Research (RSIR) solicits scientific research required to address societal challenges in three thematic areas:
- Understanding and Forecasting Zoonotic Disease Events;
- Minimizing Contrails in Commercial Aviation; and,
- Downscaling Earth System Models (ESMs) to Address Regional and Local Challenges
Proposals must advance scientific knowledge with the intention of supporting follow-on applications for end users. In addition, investigations must:
- Be based on satellite remote sensing observations and related Earth system research and models;
- Begin from Application Readiness Levels (ARLs) 1-3; and
- Describe how the proposed research leads to an application for a specific end user, noting that proposers are encouraged to involve end users as appropriate.
Proposals submitted to this program will be evaluated using dual-anonymous peer review.
The following updates were made to A.65 Responsive Science Initiatives Research: Section 2 has been edited to conform with a recent executive order, Section 10.1 has been updated to point to an Applications Readiness Level PDF posted under “Other Documents” on the NSPIRES page for this program element, and a FAQ has been posted. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. The Proposal due date remains March 25, 2025
Questions concerning A.65 RSIR may be directed to Argyro Kavvada at argyro.kavvada@nasa.gov.