ROSES-2024 Amendment 2: B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research Increased Scope: Special Topic Added
ROSES-2024 B.2, Heliophysics Supporting Research (HSR) supports investigations of significant magnitude that are of relevance to the scientific and strategic goals of NASA Heliophysics. The HSR program element is intended to support forward-looking research that is on the forefront of Heliophysics science, and which will help motivate and enable the next generation of Heliophysics missions.
On or about March 1, 2024, ROSES-2024 Amendment 2 adds to B.2 HSR a special topic in Section 1.1.2, and concomitantly, the expected program budget and number of new awards in Section 5 have been updated. Also, a new programmatic email address has been added. New text is in bold. The due dates are unchanged: Step-1 proposals are due 04/11/2024, and Step-2 proposals are due 06/20/2024.
Questions concerning regarding this program element may be directed to Reinhard Friedel at