Amendment 4: A.43 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Final Text and Due Dates.
A.43 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality (HAQ) seeks results-oriented projects focused on the integration of Earth observations into decision making activities related to health and air quality. The objectives of a proposed project must be to a) develop and prove the potential enhancements of an application of specific Earth observations to one or more decision-making activity and b) transfer and enable the adoption of this application by one or more specific end user organizations in a sustainable manner (i.e., without continued NASA financial support post-project).
Applicants may propose concepts that would:
- Enhance the performance of existingdecision-making activities and processes through the integration of Earth observations; or
- Develop new capabilities for decision making, provided that the need and activity can be clearly defined, and that end users are strongly involved.
ROSES-2024 Amendment 4 releases final text and due dates for A.43 HAQ. Notices of intent are requested by July 8, 2024, and proposals are due August 6, 2024.
On or about March 8, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:
Questions concerning A.43 HAQ may be directed to John Haynes at