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Amendment 70: New Opportunity: A.62 FarmFlux Science Team

With this ROSES announcement, NASA is soliciting proposals for A.62 FarmFlux Science Team (ST). FarmFlux will quantify emissions of reactive and greenhouse gases from U.S. agriculture and characterize agricultural impacts on air quality and ecosystems.

The FarmFlux science team will work together to address four related objectives:

Objective 1: Quantify the magnitude and near-source fate of emissions from animal feeding operations and characterize major human and environmental controls.

Objective 2: Quantify the bidirectional exchange of gases over major crop systems and connect fluxes to surface and environmental controls.

Objective 3: Explain physical and chemical properties of particulate matter in agricultural regions.

Objective 4: Connect agricultural emissions to air quality impacts and advance new satellite data applications over agricultural areas.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 70 presents a new program element in ROSES-2024: A.62 FarmFlux Science Team (ST). NOIs are requested by January 17, 2025, and proposals are due  March 7, 2025.

Associated with this program element, an opportunity for expressions of interest in no-cost contributions that are not critical to addressing FarmFlux’s main objectives is also being released as NNH25ZDA007L. Contributions that are critical to addressing FarmFlux’s main objectives must be submitted to the A.62 Farm Flux ST program element.

On or about November, 21 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024" (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.62 Farm Flux ST may be directed to Glenn Wolfe at and Ryan Pavlick at