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Amendment 73: D.13 Astrophysics Pioneers Substantial Revisions

D.13 Astrophysics Pioneers solicits proposals for Astrophysics space and sub-orbital science investigations that are greater in cost, scope and capability than what is possible within the Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA) suborbital and CubeSat program (D.3 of ROSES-2024) but are smaller in cost than what is possible within the Astrophysics Explorers Mission of Opportunity (MO) program (e.g., PEA Q of SALMON-3 for the 2021 opportunity). Investigations are solicited using platforms that include CubeSats (including constellations), other SmallSats, and major balloon missions.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 73 makes several substantial changes to D.13 Astrophysics Pioneers:

  1. ISS payloads are no longer solicited due to ISS decommissioning
  2. (cis)-Lunar payloads are no longer solicited (see F.11 PRISM SALSA)
  3. Additional options for launch are included
  4. Sub-orbital launches are excluded, and
  5. Numerous other small changes have been made including outdated references to the guidebook have been updated to refer and link to the new Grant and Cooperative agreement manual.

On or about November 26, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning D.13 Astrophysics Pioneers may be directed to Michael Garcia at