Join the Mission
In addition to the resources on this page, follow the progress of the Lucy mission at #LucyMission and @NASASolarSystem on your preferred social media platform, and read more on the NASA Lucy Mission Blog.
Learn more about the Lucy mission and its journey to the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, a population of primitive small bodies orbiting in tandem with Jupiter.
Second Earth Gravity Assist
On Dec. 12, 2024, at 11:15 p.m. EST, NASA's Lucy spacecraft, currently in a two-year orbit around the Sun, skimmed Earth's atmosphere, passing only about 220 miles (360 kilometers) above the surface. This close flyby resulted in a "gravity assist," putting the spacecraft on a new trajectory that travels through the main asteroid belt and out to the never-before-explored Jupiter Trojan asteroids, small bodies that orbit the Sun at the same distance as Jupiter.
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Dinkinesh: Lucy's First Asteroid Flyby
NASA's Lucy spacecraft flew by not just its first asteroid, but its first three, on Nov. 1, 2023. Early images returned by Lucy reveal that the small main belt asteroid Dinkinesh has a contact binary as a satellite (that is, its satellite is made of two smaller objects touching each other). The Lucy team used this encounter as an opportunity to test out spacecraft systems and procedures.
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First Earth Gravity Assist
After a year in orbit around the Sun, the Lucy spacecraft returned home on its launch anniversary for the first of three Earth gravity assists. On Oct. 16, 2022, Lucy flew by the Earth like a partner in a swing dance, boosting its speed and elongating its orbit around the Sun. Lucy made its closest approach at just 224 miles (360 km) above Earth: lower than the International Space Station. This close encounter helped Lucy gain more speed so that it can reach its targeted Trojan asteroids.
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Lucy's Journey Begins
Launched on Oct. 16, 2021, Lucy is the first space mission to study the Trojan asteroids. The mission takes its name from the fossilized human ancestor (called "Lucy" by her discoverers) whose skeleton provided unique insight into humanity's evolution. Likewise, the Lucy mission will revolutionize our knowledge of planetary origins and the formation of the solar system.
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Mission Animations and Videos

Lucy Spacecraft's Second Slingshot of Earth
NASA's Lucy mission is heading to the Jupiter Trojans, two swarms of asteroids trapped in Jupiter's orbit…but to get there, Lucy needs a little help from the Earth.

Lucy Sees Asteroid Dinkinesh in Detail
Explore the main-belt asteroid Dinkinesh through the eyes of the Lucy spacecraft.

NASA's Lucy Mission Flyby of Asteroid Dinkinesh
Learn about the primary purpose of the Lucy mission's encounter with asteroid Dinkinesh.

Asteroid Flyby: Dinkinesh
The eighth installment of the "Lucy's Journey" series features the mission's first asteroid flyby.

Exploring the Solar System: Lucy Goes to Space
The first episode of the "Lucy Goes to Space" series features Deputy Principal Investigator Cathy Olkin.

Lagrange Points: Lucy Goes to Space
The second episode of the "Lucy Goes to Space" series features Principal Investigator Hal Levison.

Planning for a Spacecraft Launch: Lucy Goes to Space
The third episode of the "Lucy Goes to Space" series features Project Manager Donya Douglas-Bradshaw.

Driving a Spacecraft: Lucy Goes to Space
The fourth episode of the "Lucy Goes to Space" series features Lucy Flight Navigator Coralie Adam.

Working on a NASA Mission: Lucy Goes to Space
The fifth episode of the "Lucy Goes to Space" series features a variety of team members who discuss their roles on the Lucy mission.

Where in the Solar System are the Trojan Asteroids?
Lucy is headed to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, but where exactly are they?

NASA Lucy Mission's Message to the Future
Discover the special plaque that is onboard the Lucy spacecraft.

NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio's Lucy Gallery
Explore this gallery for videos and animations relating to the Lucy mission.

Lucy Mission Activity Book
Explore the Lucy mission to the Trojan asteroids with this activity book. Available in both English and Spanish.


Lucy Mission Posters
Download Lucy posters and collectibles from the Southwest Research Institute.

A Postcard from Dinkinesh
The Lucy spacecraft sent back a postcard from her first asteroid encounter! This is from her flyby of the asteroid Dinkinesh and its moon, Selam, on November 1, 2023.
Online Interactives

Follow Along with Lucy
Follow Lucy's journey to the Trojan asteroids with NASA's Eyes on the Solar System.

NASA's Eyes on Asteroids
Fully interactive, NASA's Eyes on Asteroids uses data to visualize asteroid and comet orbits around the Sun.