Amendment 50: A.48 Wildland Fires Not Solicited This Year
The Wildland Fire Management Program supports the use of Earth observations to enable a strategic pivot from the suppression mindset to a proactive mindset. This area emphasizes anticipatory science and technology that can innovate prevention, preparedness, and co-existence. The Wildland Fire applications area website is available at When it is solicited, program seeks to successfully catalyze new paradigms of thriving in the face of wildland fire perils through better Earth observation-informed management practice. The program’s Actionable Fire Science Information Hub is a centralized location for collaboration among project teams with community stakeholders and is available at
When ROSES-2023 was released it included A.48 Earth Science Applications: Wildland Fires as a TBD placeholder that said it “may” be solicited as part of ROSES-2023. ROSES-2023 Amendment 50 announces that program element A.48 WFMP will not be solicited this year. However, NASA intends to solicit this program element in ROSES‑2024.
On or about September 28, 2023, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2023” (NNH23ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at
Questions concerning A.48 Earth Science Applications: Wildland Fires may be directed to Mike Falkowski at