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Sarah Noble

Program Scientist

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Sarah Noble is a Program Scientist in the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters. She is the lead for lunar science within PSD, and serves as Program Scientist for the Psyche mission that will explore the asteroid 16 Psyche, the VIPER rover that will investigate lunar polar volatiles, and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter that has been in lunar orbit collecting data for over a decade. She is also the Program Scientist for the SSERVI institute and sits on the caucuses of LDAP, PDART, ANGSA, and DALI.

Previously, Sarah served as the Program Scientist for the LADEE mission and the Deputy Program Scientist for the Mars 2020 mission. Before coming to NASA Headquarters, she spent time as a researcher at NASA JSC, NASA MSFC, and NASA GSFC, as well as a brief stint working for Congress as a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow with the House Committee on Science and Technology. Her scientific research is focused on understanding space weathering processes on the Moon and other airless bodies using both spectroscopy and electron microscopy techniques.

Sarah earned her bachelor of science in Geology, with honors, from the University of Minnesota in 1998, and her master’s and doctorate in Geological Sciences from Brown University in 2000 and 2004, respectively. Asteroid 133432 SarahNoble is named in her honor.

Sarah enjoys painting in her free time. She finds inspiration in the natural beauty of all the amazing worlds we study, but her favorite subjects are the Moon and her cat, Luna.

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