LEADS Program Overview

The NASA Science Workforce Study Report identified that there was a lack of consistency in the workforce development and readiness assessments for key leadership positions and a lack of clearly understood roles, accountability, and authority within the programmatic leadership roles, especially for strategic/flagship missions. To mitigate these challenges, the report recommended a comprehensive strategy for developing NASA science leaders. As a part of this strategy, the LEADS Pilot Program was developed.

NASA LEADS recognizes that scientists have unique career trajectories and face distinct challenges. For example, NASA Scientists might follow career paths where leadership assignments may not align with traditional technical promotion prospects. These paths might result in fewer opportunities for formal leadership training. NASA LEADS addresses these potential gaps through a science-centric Ten Leadership Themes framework. This framework aligns with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's executive core qualifications (ECQs), which the federal government considers essential for effective leadership and a solid organizational culture. ECQs are also required for entry into Senior Executive Service, used by NASA in selection, performance management, and leadership development for management and executive positions.