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Advanced Colloids Experiment-Microscopy-1 (ACE-M-1)

Science Objectives

Advanced Colloids Experiment-Microscopy-1 (ACE-M-1) studies the behavior of microscopic particles in gels and creams. Many consumer products are colloidal mixtures with stabilizers added to make them last longer. But eventually, particles still clump together and sink to the bottom in a process known as coarsening which can spoil a product. The International Space Station is an ideal location to study the physics of coarsening which could lead to manufacturing longer lasting products.


The experiment has concluded, and science is being evaluated.

Experiment Description

Colloidal stability is critical to soft matter systems, as it relates to products. These products are often structured by attractive forces between constituent particles (solids, vesicles, drops) - in the form of weak, flowable colloidal gels. These structures change in time, by processes know as coarsening - meaning the particles move under thermal motion to compact. This compaction continually changes this structure. When the structures created in the products can no longer support the gravitational stresses (e.g. buoyancy) on the structures, they collapse. The collapse is often abrupt and without warning (delayed collapse). This is the essence of product instability.

Space Applications

On Earth, colloidal research is greatly affected by the force of gravity which tends to mask results. Studying colloids in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station (ISS) can give much better data and enhance our understanding of liquid mixture coarsening. This puts the unique research capabilities of the ISS to good use which could improve manufacturing processes for making new and longer-lasting products for space and Earth use.

Earth Applications

Understanding the behavior of mixtures and coarsening can help materials scientists to make colloidal mixtures with longer shelf lives. This has great potentials in creating a wide range of products from food, medicine, cosmetics, gels, and cleaning solutions which do not expire quickly.

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