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Advanced Colloids Experiment-Temperature Control and Gradient Sample-11 (ACE-T-11)

Science Objectives

Advanced Colloids Experiment-Temperature Control and Gradient Sample-11 (ACE-T-11) involves the design and assembly of complex three-dimensional (3D) structures from colloids, or small particles suspended within a fluid medium, and control of particle density and phase behavior. Such structures are vital to the design of advanced optical materials and important for 3D printing and additive manufacturing. Assembling structures in microgravity provides insight into the relation between particle shape, crystal symmetry, density, and other fundamental factors.


The experiment has concluded, and science is being evaluated.

Experiment Description

An outstanding problem in condensed matter science concerns the relation between particle shape, crystal symmetry, and structure. In these experiments, the constituent particles are colloidal spheres and ellipsoids. The research goal is to produce various colloidal structures and study the dynamics of crystal nucleation and growth. In the ACE-T-11 investigation, the size and concentration of the depletant and particles in different samples are varied with the goal of seeing the effect on crystallization and glass formation. The imaging goal is to observe crystallites and resolve particle centroid positions with less than 20% error.

Space Applications

Current space missions require replacement parts and specialized repair facilities. But future long-duration space voyages need the capability to use self-replication and self-assembly to make materials and devices that can be repaired or replaced in space. Three-dimensional (3D) printing and additive manufacturing meet both of these needs, and this investigation advances these technologies.

Earth Applications

A variety of applications on Earth could benefit from improved design and assembly of functional structures based on colloids, including chemical energy, communications, and photonic materials to control and manipulate light. This investigation supports development of these applications by studying the properties of different colloidal materials essential to 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

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