Suggested Searches

STAR-2 (2021-2022) Course Participants

Portrait photo of woman with long dark hair wearing a white sweater.

Allaway, Heather. Ph.D
Louisiana State University.
Musculoskeletal and women’s health.


Battistuzzi, Fabia Ursula. Ph.D.
Oakland University.
Evolutionary genomics of microbial diversity.


Baxter, Katherine. Ph.D.
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.
Structure and function of disease-associated multi-species biofilms.

Portrait photo of smiling woman with long dark hair wearing a white lab coat

Cycil, Leena. Ph.D.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Algae utilization for bio-regenerative life support systems for space exploration.
Postdoctoral scholar.

Portrait photo of a bald bearded man wearing glasses and standing outside

Da Silveira, Willian. Ph.D.
Staffordshire University, United Kingdom.
Using systems biology and -omics to develop countermeasures against aging and spaceflight.

Portrait photo of a smiling man wearing a white lab coat and standing in a lab.

De Rivero Vaccari, Juan Pablo. Ph.D., M.S.B.A.
University of Miami.
Innate immune response after brain injury and disease.

Portrait photo of smiling woman wearing glasses and with dark curly hair

Ferreira de Vasconcelos, Jaira. Ph.D.
James Madison University.
Mechanisms of bone formation, fibrosis and wound healing.

Portrait photo of smiling woman with short curly hair wearing glasses

Henle, Andrea. Ph.D.
Carthage College.
Space biology education. Zebrafish models of carcinogenesis (uveal melanoma).

Portrait photo of smiling man wearing a white lab coat

Hood, Joshua. M.D., Ph.D.
University of Louisville.
Therapeutic nanomedicines and diagnostics based on extracellular vesicles.

Portrait photo of a smiling man wearing a blue plaid shirt

Hutson, M. Shane. Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University.
3D tissue models of organ development and wound healing.

Portrait photo of a dark bearded man wearing dark clothing and glasses

Khan, Faisal. D.Phil.
University of Engineering and Applied Sciences and CECOS-RMI Precision Medicine Lab, Pakistan.
Multi-omics and machine learning for cancer research, and synthetic biology for diagnostics development. Astrobiology education.

Portrait photo of smiling woman and long blonde hair looking off to the side

Koppes, Abigail. Ph.D.
Northeastern University.
Gut-brain communication, neuromodulation, microfluidics.

Photo of woman with long brown hair

Marin de Evsikova, Caralina. Ph.D.
Bay Pines VA Healthcare System.
Genomic and genetic adaptation to environmental exposures in health and disease.

Portrait photo of man with dark hair wearing a suit

Mitra, Kunal. Ph.D.
Florida Institute of Technology.
Bioprinted tissues for vascular dysfunction in microgravity and space radiation.

Portrait photo of smiling man with dark hair standing in front of a concrete wall

Nazarious, Miracle. Ph.D.
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
Robotic instruments for astrobiology research and planetary exploration

Portrait photo of smiling man wearing a wide-striped polo shirt.

Ortiz Morea, Fausto Andres. Ph.D.
Texas A&M University / University of the Amazon, Colombia.
Exogenous and endogenous signal recognition for plant growth, development and defense.
Postdoctoral scholar.

Portrait photo of man with a bear and wearing a hoodie sweatshirt standing in front of a tree

Pandey, Siddharth. Ph.D.
Amity University Mumbai, India.
Technology development for non-recoverable biological experiments in space and sample collection on Mars surface.

Portrait photo of a smiling woman with red hair and wearing a suit

Phillips-Lander, Charity M. Ph.D.
Southwest Research Institute.
Microbial community shifts in response to exposure to space environments

Portrait photo of a smiling bald man wearing glasses and a light blue collared shirt under a dark blue sweate.

Porada, Christopher. Ph.D.
Wake Forest University.
Mouse and tissue models for carcinogenesis and other biological risks of space radiation.

Portrait photo of woman with long brown hair wearing a green shirt standing in front of a colorful science image

Rutter, Lindsay. Ph.D.
University of Tsukuba, Japan.
Cell-free DNA and RNA approaches in space ‘omics.
Postdoctoral scholar.

Photo of a smiling woman with sunglasses on top of her head, wearing a red and black plaid shirt and standing in a field.

Simpson, Anna. Ph.D.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Microbial ecology of built and natural environments.
Postdoctoral scholar.

Portrait photo of a man with short light blonde hear wearing a light blue collared shirt and standing in an office space

Thome, Christopher. M.Sc., Ph.D.
Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Canada.
Biological response mechanisms to low dose ionizing radiation.

Portrait photo of a man with short dark hair and facial hair wearing glasses and a dark suit as he sits in front of a window

Trapecar, Martin. Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Studying immunometabolic diseases via human multi-organ microphysiological systems.

Portrait photo of a smiling woman with long dark hair, glasses and wearing a salmon pink suit jacket.

Wang, Karin. Ph.D.
Temple University.
Matrix mechanoregulation of wound repair and tumor development.

Portrait photo of a smiling woman with long dark hair wearing a grey-blue sweater

Yadav, Marshleen. Ph.D.
Ohio State University.
Radiation effects and countermeasures.