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2024 Total Solar Eclipse

On April 8, 2024, NASA's eclipse broadcast shared the total solar eclipse with millions around the globe.

Additional streams below share telescope feeds of the total solar eclipse across the path, a broadcast in Spanish, and views of sounding rockets launched during the eclipse.

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Let's get ready

A young child holds eclipse glasses up to their eyes

Learn how to safely view the solar eclipse.

A portion of the path of the total solar eclipse, zoomed in on Indiana and Ohio. A dark gray line goes through the states, with circles labeled 3:10 EDT and 3:15 EDT.

Explore NASA's map and learn when to watch.

Against a black background is a total solar eclipse. In the middle is a black circle – the Moon. Surrounding it are white streams of wispy light, streaming out into the sky.

See what it's like to experience a total solar eclipse.

A golden circle, surrounded by a gray circle, surrounded by a red circle. This is a coronograph, revealing the Sun's atmosphere.

Join NASA in studying this eclipse and its effects.

Watch live across the web

A person watching the eclipse with eclipse glasses on.

Tune in to coverage on NASA+.

A woman stands on a rooftop, wearing eclipse classes, staring up at the sky.

Join the watch party on YouTube.

Two NASA employees wearing protective glasses to view a partial solar eclipse are smiling as they stand side-by-side and gaze up at the sky.

Watch live with friends on Facebook.

Person looking through telescope

See the eclipse live with NASA on Twitch.