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Heliophysics Big Idea 1.1

The Framework for Heliophysics Education

Quick Facts

The Sun is really big and its gravity influences all objects in the solar system.

  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) K-5

    5-ESS1-2. Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some stars in the night sky. 
    5-PS2-1. Support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down.


  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 6-8

    MS-ESS1-1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.  
    MS-ESS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system
    MS-ESS1-3. Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system.  
    MS-PS2-4. Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects. 


  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 9-12

    HS-ESS1-4. Use mathematical or computational representations to predict the motion of orbiting objects in the solar system.
    HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the gravitational and electrostatic forces between objects.


Guiding Questions

Related Topics By Level

Lunar Eclipse

What should learners know about this topic at each level?

Introductory: During a lunar eclipse, Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the sunlight falling on the Moon.

Intermediate: When the Moon is entirely in the Earth’s umbra (known as a total lunar eclipse or umbral eclipse), all sunlight reaching the lunar surface has been refracted or scattered through Earth’s atmosphere. When the Moon is in Earth’s penumbra (known as a penumbral eclipse), illumination comes from both direct sunlight and sunlight refracted and scattered through the planet’s atmosphere. During some stages of a lunar eclipse, the Moon can appear reddish. This is because the only remaining sunlight reaching the Moon at that point is from around the edges of the Earth, as seen from the Moon’s surface.

Advanced: The Moon moves into the inner part of Earth’s shadow, or the umbra. Some of the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere reaches the Moon’s surface, lighting it dimly. Colors with shorter wavelengths ― the blues and violets ― scatter more easily than colors with longer wavelengths, like red and orange. Because these longer wavelengths make it through Earth’s atmosphere, and the shorter wavelengths have scattered away, the Moon appears orangish or reddish during a lunar eclipse. The more dust or clouds in Earth’s atmosphere during the eclipse, the redder the Moon appears.

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Diagram of Earth the Sun and the Moon lining up during an eclipse
This diagram (not to scale) explains the geometry of the lunar eclipse. When the Moon is entirely in the Earth’s umbra (known as a total lunar eclipse or umbral eclipse), all sunlight reaching the lunar surface has been refracted or scattered through Earth’s atmosphere. When the Moon is in Earth’s penumbra (known as a penumbral eclipse), illumination comes from both direct sunlight and sunlight refracted and scattered through the planet’s atmosphere. This process is similar to an exoplanet transit observation.
M. Kornmesser (ESA/Hubble), NASA, and ESA