Big Idea 1.1
The Sun is really big and its gravity influences all objects in the solar system.
The Sun has a radius of about 435,000 miles (700,000 kilometers) and is 100 times wider than Earth and 10 times wider than Jupiter. At the center of the solar system, the Sun’s gravity influences the orbits of planets, comets, asteroids, and Moons. The motions of these objects cause phenomena on Earth that include seasons, Moon phases, and solar and lunar eclipses. NGSS Standards: PS2, ESS1
Image Credits: NASA/SDO
Have leaners investigate this heliophysics big idea with the guiding questions below.
Introductory Learner: A younger learner (K-5), or a learner new to the subject matter.
Intermediate Learner: A middle-aged learner (6-8), or a learner that has some familiarity with the subject matter.
Advanced Learner: An older learner (9-12+), or a learner that has a lot of experience with the subject matter.
Heliophysics Resouce Database
Use the guiding questions above to explore resources at each level or go directly to our database to search for resources by level, NGSS performance expectation, topic, and mission.
Resource Database