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Jeff Grossman

Program Scientist

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Jeff Grossman is a scientist in the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters. He is the Program Scientist for OSIRIS-REx, the Headquarters lead scientist for astromaterials curation, lead program officer for the Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS), Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities (PMEF), OSIRIS-REx Participating Scientist, Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist, and Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) programs, and a member of the Emerging Worlds (EW) and New Frontiers Data Analysis (NFDAP) program caucuses.

Jeff came to NASA in 2010, following a 25-year career as a geochemist at the US Geological Survey (USGS) in Reston, Va. While at the USGS, he worked on the cosmochemistry of meteorites and the origin of the solar system, doing a variety of projects funded by NASA. He also studied terrestrial geochemistry, and served as a specialist in neutron activation analysis in the USGS analytical laboratories.

Jeff has served as the secretary of the Meteoritical Society and the president of the Geological Society of Washington. He is also a longtime member of the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee, and is the editor of the Meteoritical Bulletin Database, which he created and has maintained since 2005. 99905 Jeffgrossman is a main belt asteroid named for Jeff.

Jeff earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Brown University in 1977 and his doctorate at UCLA in 1983. His dissertation was about the origin of chondrules. After a brief NRC postdoc at JPL, Jeff began his professional career as a civil servant at the USGS.

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