Fieldwork Resources for Planetary Science Division Proposers

Effective with the release of ROSES-24, proposers conducting field research must include a description of how the research plan addresses the following elements (A-E). This description must be placed in a maximum of 2 additional pages, in the proposal PDF immediately following the open science and data management plan (OSDMP), which is placed after the references and citations for the science and technical management (S/T/M) section of the proposal. If the proposal is being submitted to a dual anonymous peer review (DAPR) program, this information is to be placed only in the separate "Expertise and Resources Not Anonymized" document, not to exceed 2 pages in length (with the exception of any letters obtained to address the elements). The description of elements A-E below does not count against the page limit for the S/T/M Section.

  • Environmental Protection of the Site 
  • Access and Permitting
  • Safety of the Field Party
  • Relationships and Collaborations with Tribes and Indigenous Communities
  • Cultural and Historical Heritage

Resources for proposers when developing their description of how the research plan addresses element A-E are below. Proposers are also encouraged to reach out to the appropriate program officer for the program they plan to propose to should they need additional support. Proposers should refer to Section 3.14 in C.1 Planetary Science Research Program Overview ROSES-2024 for a complete description of the requirement.

Ethics and Research Integrity/Environmental Protection of the Site:

Safety of the Field Party/Equity and Inclusion:

Relationships and Collaborations with Tribes and Indigenous Communities:

Fieldwork questions should be directed to Kathleen Vander Kaaden (