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Call for Requests for the use of NASA High-End Computing

If you have NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) funding and want to use NASA High-End Computing (HEC) resources for your research, then you must annually request computing time allocations for the HEC systems that you wish to use.

The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is currently accepting requests for HEC time at the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) facility under the High End Computing Capability (HECC) program at NASA Ames Research Center and the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. SMD makes allocation decisions quarterly, with allocations announced by January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, depending in which cycle your request was submitted. Decisions will be based on your project’s overall set of requirements, previous usage (if applicable), available capacity, and SMD science priorities. As such, please be advised that your HEC allocation may differ from your request.1. A committee of SMD program managers will consider requests submitted to the SMD Always Open Call by these deadlines.

Visit NASA’s HEC Program website for information on the HEC resources that are currently available. NAS HECC Program’s supercomputers Pleiades, Electra, and Aitken and NCCS’ Discover supercomputer have undergone significant expansions. NAS supercomputers are ideal for projects that require a large number of processors. Discover is well suited for highly coupled science applications such as climate modeling. Contact NCCS support (email) or NAS support (email) for help in determining which resource might handle your project’s codes most effectively.

To become a NASA HEC user, you must complete a request for computing time:

For further information, please contact:

Nancy Carney

HEC Allocation Specialist, Global Science & Technology, Inc.,

NASA/GSFC Code 606.3


Phone: 301-286-8090