ROSES-22 Blog
Through F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences (TWSC), the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) solicits proposals for events, including asynchronous and virtual workshops, etc., that contribute to SMD’s science, technology and exploration research goals. Proposal submission requires designation of at least…
March 15, 2023. E.9 Space Biology Research has been updated with additional instructions and requirements regarding the acquisition and use of lunar regolith simulant and Apollo regolith samples for proposed projects. The changes are summarized in the bold notice on…
E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies solicits proposals for ground-based plant or animal studies (and/or their associated microbes) that will characterize the responses of these organisms to conditions that recapitulate the stressors encountered in space exploration, specifically, exposure to lunar regolith…
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST F.5) solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible organizations for graduate student-designed and performed research projects that contribute to the Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) science, technology, and…
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST F.5) solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible organizations for graduate student-designed and performed research projects that contribute to the Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) science, technology, and…
When it is solicited in ROSES-2023, F.12 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program (ADI) will seek proposals for instruments to be deployed on the surface of the Moon during the first crewed lunar landing. ROSES-2022 Amendment 87 announces that F.12 ADI, which…
C.25 Artemis III Geology Team (A3GT) solicits proposals for the complete Artemis III Geology Team, which will support Artemis III mission operations and will function as part of the Science Evaluation Room, or the science backroom, for the mission. Each…
When it is solicited, the goals of the Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology (SLI-T) program are to research, develop, and demonstrate new measurement technologies that improve upon the Nation’s current land imaging capabilities while at the same time reduce the overall program…
E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies solicits proposals for ground-based plant or animal studies (and/or their associated microbes) that will characterize the responses of these organisms to conditions that recapitulate the stressors encountered in space exploration, specifically, exposure to lunar regolith…
A.33 ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team solicits proposals for membership on the ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team under the leadership of the ECOSTRESS Principal Investigator. Proposals should focus on utilization of ECOSTRESS Level 2 (Surface Temperature and Emissivity), Level 3…
ROSES-2022 Amendment 2 releases a draft of B.22 Space Weather Centers of Excellence (SWxC) for Community Comment. When it is solicited, B.22 Space Weather Centers of Excellence (SWxC) element will support multi-institution, multi-/inter-/trans- disciplinary collaborations (Centers) that address grand challenge…
B.10 Heliophysics Flight Opportunities Studies (H-FOS) solicits proposals of up to twelve-month for studies of potential Heliophysics Science mission concepts at the pre-phase A level. Proposals to enable application of new technologies (platform and/or instrumentation) are encouraged. NASA intends to…
Beginning with ROSES-2022, all proposals to Appendix B Elements (Heliophysics) must include a Current and Pending Support (C&P) table for PIs and Co-Is following a standardized format. Proposals that do not submit a C&P table in the correct format, even…
The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) annual NASA Research Announcement, Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) – 2022 will be released on or about February 14, 2022. ROSES is an omnibus solicitation with many individual program elements, each…
Schedule for Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)-2022, the research solicitation for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The Science Mission Directorate anticipates the release of ROSES-2022 on or about February 14, 2022. It will appear at ROSES is…
When it is solicited, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Opportunities will seek proposals aimed at supporting the progress of and exploiting the scientific and technical data from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope ( ROSES-2021 Amendment 61…
In response to recommendations from the Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board, Planetary Science Division will be changing its process to fund tools. Though they continue to be in scope for C.4 Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) this…
Ecological Forecasting seeks proposals for applications projects that develop and demonstrate applications of Earth observations for the conservation of nature and promotes the synergistic use of Earth observations, in-situ observations, and models to analyze and forecast changes that affect ecosystems…