Amendment 56: D.9 NuSTAR GO Major Text Revision

D.9 The NuSTAR General Observer (GO) Program solicits proposals for basic research relevant to the the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Small Explorer mission. NuSTAR Cycle 9 will commence on or about June 1, 2023, and last for a nominal period of 12 months. Based upon the outcome of the 2022 NASA Astrophysics Senior Review process, NuSTAR operations are currently funded through September 30, 2025. Further details on the Cycle 9 program may be found on the NuSTAR GO Program website at

This amendment changes the text in a number of ways: The earlier restriction that joint NICER observations may not be multi-cycle has been removed (Section 1.3.2). Clarifications have been added regarding joint NICER monitoring (Section 1.3.3, last bullet), Large Program ToOs (Section 1.3.5), and the overall GO budget (Section 2.1). Statements mentioning the NASA Astrophysics Senior Review process have been updated to refer to the 2022 installment. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. The due date for proposals remains unchanged; Phase-1 proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time January 26, 2023, via ARK/RPS.

On or about October 7, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022" (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

For D.9 NuSTAR Cycle 9, programmatic information may be obtained from the NuSTAR Program Scientist Hashima Hasan at and technical questions may be directed to Tod Strohmayer, NuSTAR Mission Scientist, at

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