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Amendment 58: F.9 Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Revision

The Citizen Science Seed Funding Program (F.9 CSSFP) aims to support scientists and other experts to develop citizen science projects and to expand the pool of scientists who use citizen science techniques in their science investigations. Four Divisions of the SMD are participating in the CSSFP: the Astrophysics Division, the Biological and Physical Sciences Division, the Heliophysics Division, and the Planetary Science Division. All proposals must address one or more goal(s) or objective(s) relevant to at least one of these participating SMD divisions. The Earth Science Division is not participating.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 58 releases revised text for this element program in ROSES-2022. Changes are not tracked but significant alterations include: (1) The addition (in Section 5) of a suggested outline for the Science/Technical/Management Section of proposals, (2) Updated Points of Contact for Biological and Physical Sciences and Heliophysics Divisions, (3) More explicit statement of the requirement that projects be made open to new volunteers, and also other changes and clarifications were made. The due dates are unchanged; NOIs are requested by November 22, 2022, and proposals are due January 24, 2023.

On or about October 13, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022” (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning F.9 CSSFP may be directed to the main point of contact, Marc Kuchner, at and/or the appropriate division point(s) of contact:
Astrophysics: Hashima Hasan at
Biological and Physical Sciences: Lisa Carnell at
Heliophysics: Abigail Rymer at
Planetary Science Michael Kelley at