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Amendment 74: A.63 Ecohydrology, a New Opportunity in ROSES-24

A.63 Ecohydrology is a special program element of the NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program in recognition of the need for holistic, interdisciplinary approaches to evaluate and refine modeled coupled water, energy and carbon cycle process representation in a manner that more fully leverages NASA’s modeling and Earth observing system. Interdisciplinary teams are invited to propose and implement novel strategies for evaluating and improving the realism of modeled ecosystem response sequences to human- and environmentally forced pulse events.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 74 releases a new program element in ROSES-2024: A.63 Ecohydrology. Notices of intent are requested by January 16, 2025, and proposals are due March 19, 2025.

On or about November 27, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:

Questions concerning A.63 Ecohydrology may be directed to Craig Ferguson at