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Amendment 79: A.31 Earth Science Imaging/Sounding Data Analysis Deferred to ROSES-25.

When it is solicited in ROSES-25, Earth Science Imaging/Sounding Data Analysis from Earth Observing System to Earth System Observatory will likely address the development and maintenance of continuity products, primarily from S-NPP and/or JPSS platforms (as was solicited in program element A.52 of ROSES-20) that are not produced by NOAA and are needed by the Earth Science research community to address long-term scientific questions with the assurance that the data set being analyzed will be fully consistent across the multiple generation of products.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 79 announces that A.31 Earth Science Imaging/Sounding Data Analysis from Earth Observing System to Earth System Observatory, which was TBD in ROSES-24, has been deferred to ROSES-2025. A.31 is no longer solicited in ROSES-2024.

On or about December 6, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.31 Earth Science Imaging/Sounding Data Analysis from Earth Observing System to Earth System Observatory may be directed to Kathy Hibbard at