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Amendment 87: F.16 NASA Innovation Corps no longer accepting proposals via ROSES

The NASA Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Pilot is intended to provide support for participation in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program to train faculty, students in higher education, post-docs, and other researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship skills. The pilot employs training through courses to guide teams in the process of developing a business model while supporting teams as they explore the commercial potential of their research. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and Space Technology Mission Directorate are partnering to expand the agency’s participation by leveraging the infrastructure of NSF’s I-Corps Program and National Innovation Network.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 87 announces that F.16 I-Corps is no longer accepting proposals via ROSES. However, applications for a new offering of the short courses will be available via the Interior Northeast I-Corps Hub in 2025, see and NASA will continue partnering with NSF to support NASA-related teams selected to participate in the National I-Corps program. Interested teams must contact the NASA I-Corps point of contact and apply to NSF via

On or about December 20, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning F.16 I-Corps or this amendment may be directed to Maggie Yancy at