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Amendment 88: A.52 Advanced Component Technology Text and Due Dates Released

The goals of A.52 Advanced Component Technology (ACT) are to research, develop, and demonstrate component- and subsystem-level technology development that:

  • Enable new or greatly enhance remote sensing technologies for Earth observation measurements.
  • Reduce the size, weight, power, cost, development time and operational complexity of Earth science remote sensing observation systems.

Proposers may find information about currently and previously funded technologies at the Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) website at

ROSES-2024 Amendment 88 announces the solicitation of A.52 ACT, which had previously been listed as not solicited this year. Notices of Intent are requested by February 18, 2025, and proposals are due April 10, 2025.

Proposals submitted to this program will be evaluated using dual-anonymous peer review.

On or about December20, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024" (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.52 ACT may be directed to William "Chris" Edwards at