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Amendment 98: D.15 LISA Preparatory Science Mandatory NOI due date delay to February 7, 2025

D.15 LISA Preparatory Science (LPS) supports U.S. investigators to conduct activities that contribute to furthering the eventual science yield of LISA. It is not intended as a vehicle for funding specific U.S. contributions to the LISA instrument or science ground segment, or to develop concepts for other missions outside of LISA. Proposals to the LPS program may request support to:

  • Perform high-fidelity simulations of the expected waveforms for LISA sources and assessing their impact on LISA's science return;
  • Develop data analysis and statistical techniques useful for the extraction of scientific measurements from LISA data (e.g., parameter estimators, etc.); 
  • Refine and expand on LISA's capabilities to conduct specific astrophysical investigations and evaluate LISA’s potential contributions in the context of the broader astrophysical landscape;
  • Conduct astrophysics investigations that demonstrably prepare for the analysis and interpretation of the LISA data.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 98 announces that the due date for Mandatory NOIs has been deferred to February 7, 2025. The due date for proposals remains March 20, 2025.

Also, references to the now defunct Proposer's Guide have been replaced with ones to the new NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through.

On or about January 14, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024" (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning D.15 LPS may be directed to Thomas Hams at