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C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return Correction and Other Documents Posted

C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return (RASMSR) solicits industry proposals to carry out rapid studies of mission designs and mission elements capable of delivering samples collected by the Mars Perseverance rover from the surface of Mars to Earth.

This is a notice to potential proposers of a correction to C.26 RASMSR: On or about May 6, 2024, the requirement for a “Proposal Adequacy Checklist” has been removed, see Section 4.5 "Proposal Content". New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. The due date remains unchanged: Proposals are still due May 17, 2024.

Also, a FAQ and an MSR Element Specifications document have been posted under "Other Documents" on the NSPIRES Page C.26 RASMSR.

Questions concerning C.26 RASMSR may be directed to Lindsay Hays and Paul Hertz at