Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2025 Released on February 24, 2025.
NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) announces the release of its annual omnibus solicitation for basic and applied research, Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 2025 as NNH25ZDA001N on or about Monday February 24, 2025, at
ROSES is an omnibus solicitation with many individual program elements, each with its own due dates and topics. Table 2 and Table 3 of this NRA, which will be posted at and, respectively, provide proposal due dates and hypertext links to descriptions of the solicited program elements in the Appendices of this NRA. Together, these program elements cover the wide range of basic and applied research and supporting technology in areas supported by SMD.
The ROSES NRA is written to allow program elements to issue awards to non-governmental organizations as grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts depending on the nature of the work proposed. However, at the time of release, all active program elements of ROSES specifically exclude contracts, because contracts would not be appropriate for the nature of the work solicited. Thus, unless otherwise specified by the program element, awards to non-governmental organizations deriving from ROSES will be federal assistance (grants or cooperative agreements). Awards to government labs, including funded Co-Investigators on proposals non-governmental organizations, will be inter- or intra-agency transfers, as appropriate.
Except for China (see Section III.c of the ROSES Summary of Solicitation), organizations of every type, domestic and foreign, government and private, for profit and not-for-profit, may submit proposals without restriction on teaming arrangements. Note that it is NASA policy that all research conducted by non-U.S. organizations will be no exchange of funds, see
Awards range from under $100K per year for focused, limited efforts (e.g., data analysis) to more than $1M per year for extensive activities (e.g., development of hardware for science experiments and/or flight). Periods of performance are typically three years, but some programs may allow up to five years and others specify shorter periods.
The funds available and the anticipated number of awards are given in each program element and range from less than one to several million dollars, which allows for selection from a few to as many as several dozen proposals.
Electronic submission of proposals is required by the respective due dates for each program element and must be submitted by an authorized official of the proposing organization. Most program elements will be set up for application via only if requested at least 30 days in advance of the due date. For more on submissions see Section IV(b)v of the ROSES Summary of Solicitation, that may be found at
Every organization that intends to submit a proposal in response to ROSES must be registered with NSPIRES; organizations that intend to submit proposals via must be registered with in addition to being registered with NSPIRES. Such registration must identify the authorized organizational representative(s) who will submit the electronic proposal. All proposal team members must be registered in NSPIRES regardless of the submission system so we may perform automatic organizational conflict of interest checking of reviewers. Potential proposers and proposing organizations are urged to access the system(s) well in advance of the proposal due date(s) of interest to familiarize themselves with its structure and to enter the requested information.
Notices of intent to propose and Step-1 Proposals will be due starting in late March 2025 and full (Step-2) Proposals will be due no earlier than May 22, 2025, and may be due as late as early to middle of May 2026, at which time it is expected that the first full (Step-2) proposal due dates for ROSES-26 will begin.
Potential proposers are strongly encouraged to read Section I(d) of the ROSES Summary of Solicitation and ROSES-24 FAQ#1 that list significant changes from recent ROSES.
At the time of release, the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) was not available on the Grants Policy web page at Two sections of the GCAM that are most often referred to by proposers (and that do not require updating to conform with Executive Orders) are posted under "Announcement Documents" on the ROSES-25 NSPIRES pages. Once the updated GCAM is released, these excerpts will be removed and the link on each program element page will take proposers to the page hosting the GCAM document.
To learn of the addition of new program elements and all amendments to this NRA, proposers may:
- Subscribe to the SMD mailing lists (by logging in at and checking the appropriate boxes under "Account Management" and "Email Subscriptions")
- Get automatic updates of due dates using the ROSES-2025 due date Google calendar. Instructions will be available shortly after release at (link from the words due date calendar)
- and check this ROSES-2025 Blog at
Frequently asked questions about ROSES-2025 will be posted at shortly after release.
Subject matter experts are encouraged to sign up to be a volunteer reviewer at
Questions concerning the individual program elements in ROSES should be directed to the point(s) of contact in the Summary Table of Key Information at the end of the program element and at
General questions and comments about ROSES and especially the Summary of Solicitation may be directed to the office of the SMD Deputy Associate Administrator for Research via