Templates for Planetary Science Division (Appendix C) ROSES proposals
1. Open Science and Data Management Plans
Most proposals to Planetary Science (Appendix C) require a 2-page "Open Science and Data Management Plan" that describes how data, software, and publications will be made publicly available and archiving of physical samples. See Section 1.7 of C.1 Planetary Science Research Program Overview. While ROSES-24 is still open the 2024 planetary division templates will remain available below but for ROSES-25 there is a single (optional) SMD-wide template for the OSDMP that may be found at https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/sara/faqs/OSDMP/
2024 OSDMP Templates:
PSD Open Science and Data Management Plan TEMPLATE ROSES24 v2.docx
PSD Open Science and Data Management Plan TEMPLATE ROSES24 v2.pdf
OSDMP_PSD_Template_LaTex ROSES24 v2.zip
2. Table of Work Effort
In order to assess if the work effort is adequate for the project proposed the peer reviewers need to see the person time that will be spent on the project, whether FTE or WYE, whether at the proposing organization or not, whether or not NASA is paying for it. Thus, every proposal is required to include a summary table of work effort that simply lists all of the planned work commitment, by person or role without any technical details.
Proposers to all program elements in Appendix C (and program element E.4 Habitable Worlds) are strongly encouraged to use the PSD Table of Personnel and Work Effort template, which appears below as 1) a Word doc 2) a PDF file and 3) for latex uses the zip file TWE.zip contains the needed .cls and .sty files.
PSD table of work-effort TemplateV2.docx
PSD table of work-effort Template (PDF)
3. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Assessment
TRLs are commonly used to assess the maturity of a technology and are useful primarily as a means to gauge how much effort is required to bring it into use. However, it can be challenging to assign a single overall TRL to complex technology having components that are at varying levels of maturity. A template for use in the Planetary Science Division’s instrument development programs (MatISSE, DALI, and others) is provided to show a more nuanced view of the TRL. This optional form may be appended to the Step-2 proposal to help justify the TRL case. Note that it is acceptable for some elements to be outside of the TRL range listed in the solicitation, as long as the instrument elements proposed for development fall within the solicited range. For any questions about the use of this template please communicate with the point of contact given in the summary table of key information in the program element.
Inst TRL Assessment revision 5-24-2018.xlsx
4. Entry level Summary Chart for Instrument Development Programs
Planetary Division instrument development calls sometimes refer to an entry level Summary Chart, e.g., the last bullet in Section 2.1 of Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Operations (PICASSO). Please use this Entry level Summary Chart for the Planetary Science Division’s instrument development programs (e.g., PICASSO, MatISSE, & DALI). For any questions about the use of this template please communicate with the point of contact given in the summary table of key information in the program element.
5. PSD Reporting Templates
All Planetary Science Division awardees are required to provide reporting on a regular cadence, including a final report at the end of an award. Awardees are encouraged to utilize the reporting templates provided below. These are general reporting templates for PSD programs, individual programs may have tailored reporting templates and awardees are encouraged to utilize program-specific templates when made available to them.
Please direct questions or corrections on this page to kathleen.e.vanderkaaden@nasa.gov and cc SARA@nasa.gov.