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C.27 Lucy in the L4 Trojans PSP FAQ Posted and Typo Correction.

The purpose of C.27 Lucy in the L4 Trojans Participating Scientist Program (Lucy-L4-PSP) is to enhance the scientific return of the Lucy mission through new investigations that broaden and/or complement Lucy’s primary investigations, conducted during and immediately following the spacecraft’s encounters with objects in the L4 swarm of the Jupiter Trojan asteroids.

A typo has been corrected in item iv in Section 2.7.1 of C.27 Lucy in the L4 Trojans Participating Scientist Program. Also, a FAQ has been posted under other documents. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. The due dates remain unchanged: Mandatory NOIs are due August 19, 2024, and proposals are due October 2, 2024. Questions concerning C.27 Lucy-L4-PSP may be directed to Thomas S. Statler at