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Amendment 32: Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics Final Text and Due Dates

ROSES-2022 A.32 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics solicits research using NASA data to advance our understanding of processes relevant to The Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics Focus Area. There are no limitations on the spatial and geographic scope of solicited efforts, but studies must link to meteorological and tropospheric phenomena. Proposed research should target processes that are relevant to the spatiotemporal cadence of the observations; however, the incorporation of methods that enable use of study observations to understand multi-scale phenomena is not precluded. Proposals must explicitly focus on remote sensing, and may utilize observations, reanalyses, assimilation, and model capabilities to perform the proposed science.

This program element consists of two topical subelements: 1) Exploitation of Airborne Field Campaign Measurements, which targets the modern analysis of historic NASA airborne field campaign data with explicit links to NASA satellite data and 2) Characterizing and Understanding Uncertainty in the Atmosphere, aimed at increasing our understanding of NASA observations and the Earth system by improving the utilization of uncertainty estimates throughout the scientific process.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 32 releases final text and due dates for A.32 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics. Notices of intent are requested by September 16, 2022, and proposals are due November 2, 2022.

On or about July 21, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022" (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.32 Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics may be directed to Will McCarty at and Aaron Piña at