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Amendment 8: New Opportunity in ROSES-22: F.17 Economic, Social, and Policy Analyses of Orbital Debris and Space Sustainability

Analyzing the economic, social, and political impacts of orbital debris is a nascent field of study that would greatly benefit from more research. To this end, NASA will work with selected teams and experts from non-governmental organizations to evaluate to evaluate the economic, social, and political elements of orbital debris and space sustainability, a strategic NASA and/or United States Government approach to orbital debris and international space sustainability efforts.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 8 releases the text for a new element program in ROSES-2021 in the form of program element F.17 Economic, Social, and Policy Analyses of Orbital Debris and Space Sustainability. No preliminary statement (such as a notice of intent nor a step-1 proposal) is requested. Proposals are due June 17, 2022.

On or about March 17, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022" (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA's ROSES blog at:

Questions concerning F.17 Economic, Social, and Policy Analyses of Orbital Debris and Space Sustainability may be directed to Patrick Besha at