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Subject: A.48 Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology Correction

A.48 Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology (SLI-T) solicits proposals for technology development activities aimed specifically at: (1) demonstrating improved, innovative, full-instrument concepts for potential infusion into the architecture and design of missions beyond Landsat-10; and (2) development and technical maturation at the component and/or breadboard-level of technologies that have long-term potential to significantly improve future land imaging instruments and systems through substantial architecture changes.

On December 21, 2022, Section 1.3 of A.48 SLI-T was updated to better reflect requirements for future missions after Landsat Next. Also, a link to the slides from the Community Forum presentation was added. New text is bold. The due dates remain unchanged: Notices of Intent to propose are requested by January 3, 2023, and proposals are due March 1, 2023.

Questions concerning A.48 SLI-T or this correction may be directed to Sachidananda Babu at