1 min read
Asteroids in Frontier Fields – Abell 370 Parallel
- Release DateNovember 2, 2017
- Science ReleaseHubble Sees Nearby Asteroids Photobombing Distant Galaxies
- Credit
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Asteroids in Hubble Frontier Field Abell 370
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Asteroids in Frontier Fields – Galaxy Cluster 370
While peering at galaxies far, far away, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spotted several asteroids streaking across our solar system. These interplanetary vagabonds photobombed Hubble's deep-sky snapshots of the Frontier Fields galaxy cluster Abell 370.

Asteroids in Frontier Fields - Abell 370 Parallel (Narrated, Annotated)
While peering at galaxies far, far away, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spotted several asteroids streaking across our solar system. These interplanetary vagabonds photobombed Hubble's deep-sky snapshots of the Frontier Field galaxy cluster Abell 370 parallel field.
Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland