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Hubble has a wealth of free e-books available to download. Explore our Hubble Focus series and learn more about a specific scientific phenomena, or discover one of our other e-books that provide an overview of the mission, celebrate anniversaries, and more. Happy reading!

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Hubble Focus: Dark Universe

Hubble Focus is a series of e-books that dive deeper into specific topics in astronomy that have been forever changed by Hubble’s explorations. “Hubble Focus: Dark Universe” is the fifth book in the series, highlighting the mission’s recent discoveries about dark matter and dark energy.

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E-book cover for Hubble Focus: Dark Universe


Hubble: An Overview of the Space Telescope

Since 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has given the world a new view of the universe. Successful beyond all expectations, the telescope is now more technologically advanced than when it was launched, thanks to the maintenance and upgrades of five NASA space shuttle servicing missions. Hubble’s scientific contributions appear in textbooks, museums and media sites worldwide, and Hubble imagery has influenced art, dance, music, cinema and fashion. This image-packed, fixed-layout e-book provides an overview of the Hubble Space Telescope with sections that briefly describe its history, design, operation, science, technology transfers and cultural impact.

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Hubble overview book cover
E-book cover for Hubble: Overview of the Space Telescope
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


Not Yet Imagined: A Study of Hubble Space Telescope Operations

“Not Yet Imagined” documents Hubble history from the telescope’s launch through its first 30 years, focusing on the interactions between astronomers, engineers, government officials, and public during that time. It chronicles the telescope’s tumultuous beginnings, the decision-making behind the servicing missions, Hubble’s contributions to our understanding of the universe, and how the telescope changed the course of astronomy.

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Not Yet Imagined e-book cover
E-book cover for Not Yet Imagined: A Study of Hubble Space Telescope Operations


Hubble Focus: Strange New Worlds

Hubble Focus is a series of e-books that dive deeper into specific topics in astronomy that have been forever changed by Hubble’s explorations. “Hubble Focus: Strange New Worlds” is the fourth book in the series, highlighting the mission’s recent discoveries about worlds outside our solar system, known as exoplanets.

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Hubble Focus - Strange New Worlds e-book cover
E-book cover for Hubble Focus: Strange New Worlds


Hubble Focus: The Lives of Stars

Hubble Focus is a series of e-books that dive deeper into specific topics in astronomy that have been forever changed by Hubble’s explorations. “Hubble Focus: The Lives of Stars” is the third book in the series, highlighting some of Hubble’s recent discoveries about stars. These discoveries provide a window into how stars are born, how they evolve, and how they meet their demise.

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Hubble Focus - The Lives Of Stars e-book cover
E-book cover for Hubble Focus: The Lives of Stars


Hubble Focus: Galaxies through Space and Time

Hubble Focus is a series of e-books that dive deeper into specific fields of astronomy that have been forever changed by Hubble’s explorations. “Hubble Focus: Galaxies through Space and Time” is the second book in the series, describing some of Hubble’s recent discoveries about galaxies — the homes of stars, nebulas and planets — from our own Milky Way to the most distant galaxies ever seen. These discoveries are helping us understand how galaxies evolve and how the universe itself has come to be the way it is today.

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A n e-book cover for the Hubble Focus-Galaxies Through Space And Time book
E-book cover for Hubble Focus: Galaxies through Space and Time


Hubble Focus: Our Amazing Solar System

Hubble Focus is a series of e-books that dive deeper into specific fields of astronomy forever changed by Hubble’s explorations. The first book, “Hubble Focus: Our Amazing Solar System” describes some of the remarkable observations and discoveries Hubble has made about the planets, moons and smaller bodies orbiting around our Sun.

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Hubble Focus-Our Amazing Solar System e-book cover
E-book cover for Hubble Focus: Our Amazing Solar System


A Quarter-Century of Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope

In celebration of the Hubble Space Telescope’s 25th anniversary (2015), explore 25 of Hubble’s breathtaking and significant images. From planets in our own solar system to snapshots from a time when our universe was very young, these images are presented according to their distance from Earth, from near to far. Along with companion descriptions and videos, the 25 images highlight the telescope’s amazing capabilities. This book is available in both English and Español/Spanish.

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Hubble 25 - A Quarter Century of Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope e-book cover
E-book cover for A QuarterCentury of Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope


Hubble Space Telescope Discoveries

Published in 2012, “Hubble Space Telescope Discoveries” showcases Hubble’s first two decades of discovery.

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Hubble Space Telescope e-book. Left side of the image showcases the cover. Right side of the image showcases pages and images in the book.
E-book cover and a glimpse of the content from Hubble Space Telescope Discoveries