1 min read
Exoplanet Radius vs. Distance from Star
Illustration Shows Location of Star-hugging Exoplanets
This graphic plots exoplanets based on their size and distance from their star. Each dot represents an exoplanet. Planets the size of Jupiter (located at the top of the graphic) and planets the size of Earth and so-called super-Earths (at the bottom) are found both close to and far from their star. But planets the size of Neptune (in the middle of the plot) are scarce close to their star. This so-called desert of hot Neptunes shows that such alien worlds are rare, or, they were plentiful at one time, but have since disappeared. The detection that GJ 3470b, a warm Neptune at the border of the desert, is fast losing its atmosphere suggests that hotter Neptunes may have eroded down to smaller, rocky super-Earths.
- Release DateDecember 13, 2018
- Science ReleaseIn Search of Missing Worlds, Hubble Finds a Fast Evaporating Exoplanet
- Credits
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Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland