Big Idea 3.2

Introductory: A younger learner (K-5), or a learner new to the subject matter.

Quick Facts

How does the Sun's energy interact with each one of Earth's major systems (atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere)?

  • Educator Background

    Energy from the Sun interacts with all of Earth's major systems. Earth's atmosphere absorbs and reflects incoming solar radiation. The geosphere of the Earth is warmed by sunlight, and depending on the type of surface, reflects sunlight, for example ice reflects more sunlight than asphalt. The biosphere relies on the Sun for food as the energy travels through the food chain, and the hydrosphere (the water cycle) is driven by the energy from the Sun.

  • Learning Constraints

    At this level, students begin in grade K to make observations about how the sunlight warms different parts of Earth's surface (geosphere) (K-PS3-1,2) and by grade 2 they begin to explore how plants use light from the Sun to grow (biosphere) (2-LS2-1). At grade 4, students know that light is energy and explore how energy is transferred (4-PS3-2), and are able to identify Earth's major systems by grade 5 (ESS2-1.)

  • Connect to Heliophysics

    Connect to the Sun by emphasizing that the Sun is central to all of Earth's systems and that none of Earth's systems would exist without the Sun. Emphasize that the atmosphere plays a critical role in protecting Earth from harmful radiation from the Sun, and also in insulating Earth and preventing heat loss out into space.

  • Extend Exploration

    Extend student exploration by telling students that it takes about 8 minutes for the light from the Sun to reach Earth (without getting too much into the speed of light). Have them articulate which Earth system the light reaches first, and challenge them to trace the path it takes through the other systems.

  • Differentiate for Beginner Learners

    Support beginner students by modeling how to safely make observations about the Sun and how it affects temperature.

  • Differentiate for More Advanced Learners

    Challenge students at the next level by encouraging them to investigate how we can use the Sun's energy to create heat, using solar panels, for example.

Featured Introductory Resources

Explore this guiding question with these featured resources.

A distant capture of the Earth focused over the Americas include significant cloud coverage, primarily over the oceans. However, a grayer shade of atmospheric coverage is obscuring much of the Amazon basin. This smoke also seems to travel south toward Argentina.

Lesson Plans

What Is Earth System Science?

EO Kids is written for audiences aged 9 to 14. It is published with support from NASA’s Landsat, Terra, and Aqua missions.

Digital Resource

Earth Observatory Kids

Several thermometers on pavement

Hands-on Activity

What makes cities hot? An urban heat island activity

Art-infused Activity

Explore Albedo