Suggested Searches

STAR-1 (2020-2021) Participants

Photo of Richard Barker

Barker, Richard
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Bioinformatics on Plant Biology

Photo of Evangelia Bellas

Bellas, Evangelia
Temple University
Engineering Functional Adipose Tissue Models

Photo of Bayleigh Benner

Benner, Bayleigh
University of Wisconsin, Madison / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (incoming postdoctoral scholar)
Evolution of RNA Viruses

Steven Bruckbauer.png

Bruckbauer, Steven
University of Wisconsin, Madison (postdoctoral scholar)
Ionizing Radiation Resistance in Bacterium Escherichia Coli using Experimental Evolution

Chelsi Cassilly.png

Cassilly, Chelsi
Harvard Medical School (postdoctoral scholar)
Gut Microbiota That Regulate Inflammatory Responses

Kelly Crowe.png

Crowe, Kelly
Mount St Joseph University
Mechanisms of Muscle Atrophy

Photo of Frederico Kiffer

Kiffer, Frederico
University of Pennsylvania (postdoctoral scholar)
Radiation Environment on Central Nervous System

Photo of Evagelia Laiakis

Laiakis, Evagelia
Georgetown University
Radiation Metabolomics and Systems Biology

Pedro Llanos.png

Llanos, Pedro
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Payload Applied Technology and Operations

Joseph Lynch.png

Lynch, Joseph
Purdue University
Production and Utilization of Metabolites in Plants

Photo of Adelita Mendoza

Mendoza, Adelita
Washington University in St Louis (postdoctoral scholar)
Lysosome-Related Organelles as a Site of Zinc Trafficking and Metabolism in C Elegans

Photo of Jacob Miner

Miner, Jacob
Los Alamos National Lab (postdoctoral scholar)
Characterizing Structures and Dynamics in Nucleic Acids and Proteins

Photo of Jamila Newton

Newton, Jamila
California State University, Stanislaus
Characterizing Microgravity and Ionizing Radiation Impact on Cognitive Function and Regulation of Whole-Body Metabolism

Photo of Anamika Prasad

Prasad, Anamika
South Dakota State University
Structure-Function Relationship of Biological Materials and Biobased Materials Development and Manufacturing

Photo of Jonathan Schisler

Schisler, Jonathan
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Aging Mechanisms

Hansjorg Schwertz.png

Schwertz, Hansjorg
University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Platelet and Megakaryocyte Biology in Health and Mediating Host Responses in Inflammatory and Infectious Disease

Photo of Charles Vanderburg

Vanderburg, Charles
Harvard Medical School / Broad Institute
Rodent Spaceflight Experiments (working with NIH BRAIN - catalog of the mouse brain)

Luis Villa Diaz.png

Villa Diaz, Luis G.
Oakland University
Stem Cells and the Microenvironment

Samantha Waters.png

Waters, Samantha
NASA Ames Research Center (postdoctoral scholar)
Methylation Sequencing of Bacterial Isolates After Long-Term Exposure to a Mars Analog (Astrobiology)

Noah Weisleder.png

Weisleder, Noah L.
Ohio State University
Muscle Repair and Atrophy (NIH grantee)