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Features of the Sun Lesson Plan

A grayscale illustration of the Sun showing a slice of the Sun's internal layers. The different layers of the Sun are differentiated by varying patterns. The graphic shows some of the features of the Sun's surface, including coronal mass ejections and sunspots, and the Sun's atmosphere, the corona.
Features of the Sun Lesson Plan
  • Intermediate (6-8)
Material Type
  • Lesson Plan
Heliophysics Big Ideas
  • Big Idea 3.2 – Energy from the Sun is created in the core…
  • PS1 - Matter and its Interactions
Heliophysics Topics
  • Solar Flare
  • Sunspot
  • Space Weather
  • Coronal Mass Ejection
  • Corona
Material Cost per Learner 1 cent – $1
Language English

Lesson plan guiding students through the exploration of features of the Sun ~45 minute class period. The lesson begins by having students engage in a KWL by drawing and labeling the parts of the Sun that they are familiar with. Next, using additional images and information, they update their original drawings to form a more complete understanding of the Sun’s features.