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Measuring the Frequency and Period of Sunspots

Close-up of sunspots on the surface of the Sun.
  • intermediate
  • advanced
  • low_tech
  • low_cost
Helio Topics
  • space_weather
  • solar_cycle
  • sunspots
Helio Missions
  • solar_and_heliospheric_observatory_soho
Credit American Association of Physics Teachers
  • english

Analyze sunspots on NASA’s SOHO coronagraph images to make meaning of cyclical patterns using the terms period and frequency. This activity is appropriate for high school and university introductory physics and astronomy courses. It can be adapted for use in middle school.

This resource includes a Digi Kit, which is a web-based interactive lab that blends physics, geometry, and astronomy as students build and use a physical model to explore how scientists study sunspots. Access the Sunspot Science Digi Kit at