Our spiral-shaped Milky Way galaxy lives in a comparatively quiet backwater region of the universe. This is not the case for galaxies crammed together inside huge clusters. As they zip around within a cluster, gas can be pulled from their disks due to a process called ram pressure stripping. Galaxy ESO 137-001 is one example. The star-city looks like it is "leaking" as it plunges through the Norma galaxy cluster.
1 min read
Life Is Too Fast, Too Furious for This Runaway Galaxy
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Zoom into ESO 137-001
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Animation of Ram Pressure Stripping
This artist's illustration shows a spiral galaxy as it moves through a massive cluster of galaxies. The galaxy is undergoing a process known as ram pressure stripping, where streaks of bright gas are being dragged out into space by the cluster it is passing through.
Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA);
Acknowledgment: M. Sun (University of Alabama, Huntsville)