Corrections to ROSES-22 B.4 Heliophysics Guest Investigators-Open and B.16 Heliophysics Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-Ready Data
The Table of DAPR instructions in both B.4 Heliophysics Guest Investigators-Open (HGIO) and B.16 Heliophysics Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-Ready Data (HARD) erroneously gave the default ROSES page limit for the S/T/M Section of Step-2 proposals. This has been corrected to 10 pages.
Moreover, Section 2.5.1 of B.4 HGIO has been corrected to indicate that the first bullet in the list of components of the Step-2 proposal, the re-statement of Proposal Summary from the Step-1 proposal, does not count towards the 10-page limit for the S/T/M section.
Deleted text is struck through and new text is in bold. The proposal due dates remain unchanged.
Questions regarding B.4 HGIO may be directed to Galen Fowler at
Questions regarding B.16 HARD may be directed to Katya Verner at